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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Haley at Kids Wish Network

Here's a sweet picture of Haley, an adorable 3 year old who recently had her wish granted: to have her bedroom made over in a Tinker Bell theme. KidKraft provided our Large Pastel Kitchen per the request of Kids Wish Network.

An insert from Kids Wish Network:

Haley is a happy little girl who was born with PDA which is a congenital heart condition in which the valves are not closed in the heart. She also was born with a deformation known as bilateral radial club. Both of her arms are missing bones and she has no thumbs. Her arms had to be broken and pins inserted. Three times a year these pins have to be taken out and refitted to allow for her growth. Haley has also endured one open heart surgery and will need another one in a few years. In total this three year old little girl has already been thru 9 surgeries, with many more too come.

Despite all he has to go through, Haley remains true to her spirit. Haley is crazy about Tinker Bell and loves to play with baby dolls. Her favorite colors are purple and pink. Her favorite foods are pizza and McDonalds and she collects porcelain dolls.

Kids Wish Network is a 501 C 3 non-profit organization dedicated to granting the wishes of children between the ages of 3 and 18 who are living with life threatening illnesses. It is our mission to fulfill the last wishes of children who will never have the opportunities that most of us take for granted. We rely on the compassion of people such as you to make their dreams come true. The more in-kind donations we receive, the more wishes we can grant. You hold in your hands the opportunity to make a big difference in this child’s life.

*KidKraft is honored to support Kids Wish Network!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Mommies With Style

Thanks Mommies With Style for visiting our booth at Toy Fair!
We appreciate the great writeup!

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