Congratulations to our KidKraft FireDragons for their outstanding participation in TX Tough's Ultra Relay & 5K Fun Run!
TX Tough is a series of charity races (including run, swim, & bike events) which raise funds and rally support for Children's Medical Center of Dallas. KidKraft's FireDragons rode in TX Tough's Autumn in Bonham ride last September, and have since trained for TX Tough's run and upcoming 2009 swim & bike events. TX Tough supports Passion for Children's, the charity arm of Children's Medical Center, which allocates 100% of funds raised directly to the cause.
KidKraft eagerly participated in the run and sent 3 relay teams to the Cotton Bowl. Each team completed the 50k race, which means each runner ran a 5k (3.1 miles), or a 10k (6.2 miles), and some ran as much as a 15k (9.3 miles)! The race was held on the infield at Dallas' Cotton Bowl, and the runners began at 8am in unseasonably chilly weather in the high 30's. By the end of the race, however, the morning sun was out and everyone enjoyed a beautiful Spring day.
KidKraft eagerly participated in the run and sent 3 relay teams to the Cotton Bowl. Each team completed the 50k race, which means each runner ran a 5k (3.1 miles), or a 10k (6.2 miles), and some ran as much as a 15k (9.3 miles)! The race was held on the infield at Dallas' Cotton Bowl, and the runners began at 8am in unseasonably chilly weather in the high 30's. By the end of the race, however, the morning sun was out and everyone enjoyed a beautiful Spring day.
Check out a few pics from the TX Tough Run:

Ryan, Manny & Michael intimidate the competition
Chris D finishes strong!
John ran 9.3 of his team's 31 miles!
Katie & Rebecca relax in the sun after the race.
Charles & Stephen, FireDragon champs
Ilan, Katie & Chris enjoy the Cotton Bowl post-race.
The KidKraft FireDragons had an awesome time and are already looking forward to next year's run. Stay tuned for results from the TX Tough Swim and Bike events of 2009! Way to go FireDragons!!